Ritual Reconstructed, 2014-2015

Searle Kochberg

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    REF REVIEWER - This is the lead item of a multi-component submission. To see the full submission, please read the 300 word statement (in the additional information field) and the file 'Kochberg_Ritual_Reconstructed_multi-component_output.pdf' which contains the complete submission including all component outputs.

    Abstract for the journal article -

    This journal article for 'Jewish Film and New Media' was written to document the outcomes of this AHRC project and its accompanying symposium - held in November 2015 at JW3 Jewish cultural centre in London. Since then a exhibition of the films and photography marking the RR project has toured the UK. It will be seen as part of Brighton PRIDE in 2019, launched at Brighton and Hove Progressive synagogue on Auust 2, 2019, with a talk given by Searle Kochberg.

    The RR research project is a creative, multiplatform, performative endeavor, part of the ‘Connected Community’ AHRC strand - a bricolage ‘happening’ evoking ritual objects, photographs, storytelling, rabbinical dialogues on ‘queering religion’ and the making of the 5 LGBTQI Jewish ritual films, directed by Searle Kochberg. The project’s Principal Invesigator is Prof Margaret Greenfields of Bucks New University. Searle Kochberg of University of Portsmouth is one of the Co-Investigators.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)186-191
    Number of pages6
    JournalJewish Film and New Media: An International Journal
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2016


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