Role of super-elastic shape memory alloy (SE-SMA) embedment designs on energy absorption in GFRP composites

Vagish D. Mishra, J. Jefferson Andrew, Ashish Mishra, Luv Verma, Srinivasan M. Sivakumar, S. Vedantam, H. N. Dhakal*

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    In this paper, we experimentally investigate the energy absorption characteristics of super-elastic shape memory alloy (PE-SMA) integrated in a flexible glass/epoxy composites fabricated using vacuum-assisted resin infusion (VARI) process. The composite samples have three different PE-SMA configurations, characterized by length variation (35, 70, 150 mm) and anchored/unanchored (35 and 70 mm anchored and 150 mm unanchored). Quasi-static (tensile and indentation (QSI)) and dynamic (low-velocity impact (LVI)) mechanical tests were performed on the composite samples, and the changes in energy absorption characteristics and damage tolerance at strain rates ranging from 8.41 to 952.1/s were compared with the homogeneous glass/epoxy samples. Experiments performed on three SMA-based samples reveal that the 70 mm SMA wire samples, due to their relatively higher SMA deformation and restricted pull-out, show around 13- and a 27-fold increase in absorbed energy under QSI and LVI, respectively, compared with homogeneous glass/epoxy samples.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number103779
    Number of pages9
    JournalMaterials Today Communications
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2022


    • Digital image correlation (DIC)
    • Energy absorption characteristics
    • Glass/epoxy composite laminates
    • Low-velocity impact
    • Quasi-static indentation
    • Super-elastic shape memory alloys (SE-SMA)


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