Safety profile of oxcarbazepine: results from a prescription-event monitoring study

Y. Buggy, D. Layton, Carole Fogg, S. Shakir

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    Purpose: To monitor safety of oxcarbazepine, prescribed in primary care in England, using prescription-event monitoring (PEM). Methods: Postmarketing surveillance using observational cohort technique of PEM. Exposure data were obtained from dispensed British National Health Service prescriptions issued by general practitioners (GPs) March 2000–July 2003. Demographic, drug utilization, and clinical event data were collected from questionnaires posted to GPs at least 6 months after first prescription date for each patient. Incidence densities (IDs) (number of first reports per 1,000 patient-months of treatment) were calculated and differences for events reported in month 1 (ID1) and months 2–6 (ID2–6) (99% confidence intervals) were examined for changes in event rates. Follow-up and causality assessment of medically significant events were undertaken. Results: The cohort comprised 2,243 patients [mean age 40.4 years; range 2–99 years; standard deviation (SD) 18.8; 46.3% (n = 1,038) male]. Most frequently reported primary indications were epilepsy, convulsion (n = 1,111; 49.5%, n = 209; 9.3%, respectively). GPs recorded 932 reasons for stopping medication in 698 (31.1%) patients; most frequent clinical reason “drowsiness/sedation” (n = 57; 2.5% of cohort). Clinical events (excluding indication) associated with starting treatment (lower 99% CI > 0) included: “drowsiness/sedation” (ID1-ID2–6 = 14.2), “nausea/vomiting” (ID1-ID2–6 = 13.0), and dizziness (ID1-ID2–6 = 11.6). Events followed up and assessed as probably related to oxcarbazepine use included rash (7 of 11) and hyponatremia (15 of 38). Discussion:  There were no serious adverse drug reactions reported during this study. Results of the study should be taken in context with other epidemiologic studies.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)818-829
    Number of pages12
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - May 2010


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