Sales failure: a review and future research directions

Phillip Jesse McGowan

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    As much as 94% of all sales effort results in outcomes that can be perceived as denoting failure. This article presents findings from a systematic review of literature which identifies that, to date, no single review article appears to exist that simultaneously and explicitly considers the antecedents and detrimental effects of such sales failure. A total of 36 topics of interest were identified, with recommendations for future research presented for each. A framework for the measurement of overall sales failure is presented that proposes a synergistic relationship between the selling strategy of the firm, management capability to enact strategy through their teams as well as the skills, aptitude, professionalism and psychological factors associated with salespeople, without which the full sales potential of an organisation cannot be met. A discussion and suggestions for future research is then presented.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalInternational Journal of Logistics Research and Applications
    Early online date10 Feb 2020
    Publication statusEarly online - 10 Feb 2020


    • sales failure
    • buyer seller relationships
    • key account management
    • sales measurement
    • sales strategy
    • sales management


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