School-University Partnerships: A Model for Knowledge Co-Creation for Inclusive Education. Research Brief

Gill Brackenbury, Catherine Carroll, Amelia Roberts, Rob Webster

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report


    This report is an account of the development of one model of school-university partnership working, that has yet to be externally evaluated, that began at UCL Centre for Inclusive Education in 2013, and the subsequent contribution this has made to investigating and developing knowledge, in particular developing an increased understanding of aspects of inclusive pedagogy for both practice and research. This account presents an overview of the structure of these partnerships, describes the four main principles upon which the school-university partnerships are based with illustrative vignettes and offers a commentary by the authors, more broadly, of the benefits and challenges to be overcome to support stronger and more sustained school-university partnerships.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherUCL Institute of Education
    Number of pages16
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2022


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