Sensitization instructions can reduce the misinformation effect and improve the eyewitness confidence–accuracy relationship

Emily R. Spearing, Eric Y. Mah, Rupam Jagota, Kimberley A. Wade, Hartmut Blank, D. Stephen Lindsay

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Multiple studies have reported evidence that the misinformation effect can be reduced or even eliminated under some conditions, but these studies have typically used warnings that could not be implemented in forensic settings (e.g., telling participants/witnesses that a particular source included false information). In the present study, we investigated whether novel, ecologically valid sensitization instructions can reduce the misinformation effect. We also examined effects of the manipulation on the confidence–accuracy relationship. Across two experiments that used different stimuli and test formats, participants (total N = 422) were exposed to misinformation about a mock crime; later, half of the participants received sensitization instructions before completing a memory test. The misinformation effect was significantly smaller for participants who received the sensitization instructions. Sensitized participants also demonstrated a stronger confidence–accuracy relationship and were less overconfident at the highest level of confidence. Our findings encourage tests of the sensitization instructions under more naturalistic conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
Early online date1 Aug 2024
Publication statusEarly online - 1 Aug 2024


  • eyewitness memory
  • misinformation
  • warning
  • confidence
  • calibration


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