Sharing and collaborating: improving outcomes for victims of crime

Jacki Tapley

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Significant progress has been made to improve victims’ experiences of the criminal justice system and more recent attempts have been made to improve victim access to appropriate support services. Collaborative partnerships between statutory and non-statutory agencies are essential in order to ensure that victims of crime can access their entitlements to information and support. However, a consequence of the increasing competitiveness for limited funding has resulted in support services having to adopt protectionist strategies in order to survive, resulting in a reluctance to share good practices and develop collaborative partnerships. This paper draws together the findings of a rapid evidence assessment on what works in supporting victims of crime and the preliminary findings of an evaluation study of a model of victim care which promotes the sharing of best practice, and further explores the benefits of developing communities of practice.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)111-128
JournalPapers from the British Criminology Conference
Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2016


  • best practice
  • community of practice
  • funding
  • multi-agency working
  • Victims' Commissioner
  • victims of crime
  • victim support services


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