Sharing responsibility for managing coastal risk: lessons from the British experience

Rhoda C. Ballinger, Jane Taussik, Jonathan Potts

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    Recent climatic events experienced in Britain highlight the need for increased attention to be devoted to managing the associated risks, particularly at the coast where major conurbations and associated infrastructure are located. In England, fragmented institutional arrangements and, in particular, the traditional sectoral division between engineers and town planners, have been major impediments to the development of a ‘shared’ approach to coastal risk management, required to minimise risks to people and property in the coastal zone. Against this background, the Local Government Association commissioned a study to analyse the interface between shoreline management/coastal defence and the statutory town and country planning system. This was followed by the preparation of an Action Plan which is, now, being implemented. This paper outlines the current stage of implementation, updating a paper presented at Littoral 2002. After a brief resume of the changing institutional and policy context for coastal risk management and a short description of the methodology underpinning the paper, some of the key mechanisms which can enhance collaboration between planners and engineers are outlined. These include opportunities for collaboration in plan development as well as other mechanisms for securing better cross-representation. The outcomes of this research have wide application throughout coastal management, both in the UK and throughout Europe, as all EU coastal Member States seek to implement the EU Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationLittoral 2004: 7th International Symposium: delivering sustainable coasts: connecting science and policy
    EditorsD. Green
    Place of PublicationCambridge
    PublisherCambridge University Press
    ISBN (Print)0954008104
    Publication statusPublished - 2004
    EventLittoral 2004: 7th International Symposium: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy , - Aberdeen, Scotland
    Duration: 1 Sept 2004 → …


    ConferenceLittoral 2004: 7th International Symposium: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy ,
    Period1/09/04 → …


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