Silver nanoparticulate enhanced aqueous silane/siloxane exterior facade emulsions and their efficacy against algae and cyanobacteria biofouling

James MacMullen, Zhong Yi Zhang, Hom Dhakal, Jovana Radulovic, Alkistis Karabela, Gianluca Tozzi, Samuel Hannant, Mohammed Ali Alshehri, Vincent Buhe, Constandinos Herodotou, Miltiadis Totomis, Nick Bennett

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Silver nanoparticulate enhanced aqueous silane/siloxane emulsions and their efficacy against biofouling mechanisms are presented within this study. Different concentrations of silver nanoparticulates were added into viscous shear-thinning aqueous treatments and key attributes required for facade remedial applications assessed. Water repellence, biofouling resistance, and aesthetical alteration were studied to assess key treatment attributes. In addition, assessment of the porosity, sorptivity, and treatment depth was used to identify penetration and facade protection efficacy and morphological alteration of the masonry substrate. Results showed that silver nanoparticulate incorporation did not impede treatment penetration, better water repellent attributes were achieved with increased concentration while effectively conserving the morphology and aesthetics of the substrate. It was concluded that the reduced
    bioreceptivity observed primarily stemmed from the silver nanoparticulates ability to sanitise the surface, and that only small concentrations (<0.5%wt) were required to attain significantly beneficial improvements. Treatments were deemed practically and commercially viable for retrofit and heritage projects. 

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)54-62
    JournalInternational Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
    Early online date7 Jun 2014
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2014


    • Silver nanoparticulate


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