Solar photovoltaic panels with finned phase change material heat sinks

Preeti Singh, Sourav Khanna*, Sanjeev Newar, Vashi Sharma, K. Srinivas Reddy, Tapas K. Mallick, Victor Becerra, Jovana Radulovic, David Hutchinson, Rinat Khusainov

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Phase change material (PCM) based passive cooling of photovoltaics (PV) can be highly productive due to high latent heat capacity. However, the low rate of heat transfer limits its usefulness. Thus, the presented work aims at the improvement in PV cooling by using finned PCM (FPCM) heat sinks. In the present study, PCM heat sink and FPCM heat sinks were investigated numerically for PV cooling and the extracted heat is used for space heating. 4 kWp PV, PV-PCM and PV-FPCM systems were studied under the weather conditions of Southeast of England. It was observed that the PCM heat sinks can drop the peak PV temperature by 13 K, whereas FPCM heat sinks can enhance the PV cooling by 19 K. The PCM heat sinks can increase the PV electrical efficiency from 13% to 14%. Moreover, the daily electricity generation can be boosted by 7% using PCM and 8% by using FPCM heat sinks. In addition, 7 kWh of thermal output was achieved using the FPCM heat sink, and the overall efficiency of system increased from 13% to 19%.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2558
Number of pages17
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 18 May 2020


  • Electricity enhancement
  • Phase change material
  • Photovoltaics
  • Thermal energy storage
  • Thermal management
  • RCUK
  • EP/K03619X/1


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