Souvenirs d'amour : love and the mnemotechnic of alterity (being fragments from an incomplete and interrupted dialogue)

Julian Wolfreys

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Imagine this for yourself, someone comes to you, a little familiar perhaps though not entirely so, and, out of the blue, asks or rather demands of you: - tell me about love. How do you respond? Do you tell a story, do you remark 'this is impossible', or do you suggest the possibility of a correspondence between yourself and this unexpected other? Speaking of phantasms then, of the demands of memory, the call of mnemosyne, and what the other causes to appear, we seek to orientate ourselves around the contours of the impossible, that which we call love, remaining as a third and invisible presence which seeks to record and give form to an imagined dialogue.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAberystwyth
PublisherInkerMen Press
ISBN (Print)9780955625923
Publication statusPublished - 2007

Publication series

NameAxis series
PublisherInkerman Press


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