Sports psychology in the English Premier League: ‘It feels precarious and is precarious’

Sarah Gilmore, Chris Wagstaff, Martin Jones

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This article gives a rare account of the working life of a sports psychologist in the English Premier League (EPL), the elite division in English professional football. It shows how members of emerging professions such as sports psychology are a new precariat. Martin is more successful than many sports psychologists, but his job security is dependent on his continued ability to navigate managerial change: using his skills as a psychologist in the defence of his own employment but simultaneously keeping the (potentially sensitive) ‘psychology’ label of the work he does hidden until circumstances are propitious.
Original languageEnglish
JournalWork Employment & Society
Early online date21 Aug 2017
Publication statusEarly online - 21 Aug 2017


  • elite sport
  • football
  • insecurity
  • precarious employment
  • precarisation


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