Standards formation and the implications for HRD

Heather Short, Valerie Anderson

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    Purpose: This research explores the implications of national and international standards for Human Resource Development (HRD) practice. It focuses on the experiences, perceptions and learning of those involved in the social construction of standards and standardisation processes.

    Design/methodology/approach: The research is grounded in institutional and organisational excellence theories and adopts a qualitative approach, based in social constructivism. Thematic analysis of the data obtained from thirteen semi-structured interviews leads to a discussion of awareness of standards, standards adoption including constraints and impact of standards.

    Findings: Findings indicate that that there has been a disconnect between the potential impact of British Standards Institute (BSI) Human Resource (HR) standards and what has occurred in practice, with little awareness of the BSI standards among practitioners.

    Research limitations/implications: This paper identifies an absence of institutional isomorphism in the HR arena and highlights the potential for a ‘standards-practice’ gap where HR standards formation processes are perceived as detracting from flexibility and innovativeness in organisational practice.

    Originality/value: This paper contributes a new perspective of the implications of HR standards formation from the perspective of those involved and further contributes to the wider theorisation of standards in the HRD field.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEuropean Journal of Training and Development
    Early online date29 Jun 2020
    Publication statusEarly online - 29 Jun 2020


    • standards
    • standardisation
    • BSI
    • HRD


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