Statistical inference for the Russell measure of technical efficiency

Oleg Badunenko, Pavlo Mozharovskyi

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    Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has become a popular approach to nonparametric efficiency measurement. The statistical inference using bootstrap methods is readily available for the radial DEA estimator, however it is missing for the Russell measure, the nonradial DEA estimator. We propose a bootstrap based procedure for making statistical inference about the individual Russell measures of technical efficiency. We perform simulations to examine finite sample properties of the proposed estimator. Finally, we present an empirical study using proposed bootstrap procedure.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages11
    JournalJournal of the Operational Research Society
    Early online date23 Apr 2019
    Publication statusEarly online - 23 Apr 2019


    • Nonradial efficiency
    • Russell measure
    • Data envelopment analysis
    • Frontier Efficiency Models
    • Statistical inference
    • Bootstrap


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