Strategic advantage in web tourism promotion: an e-commerce strategy for developing countries

A. Sambhanthan, Alice Good

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This research informs the means to develop an e-commerce strategy for web based tourism promotion of hotels located in developing countries. The study explored the aspects related to the use of information systems in web based tourism promotion, along with a focus on the organizational factors affecting the use of e-commerce strategy. Interviews were conducted with the managers of selected five sample hotels located in Sri Lanka. A structured web content analysis was undertaken for all five sample hotels to trace process level data on the e-commerce web content. Specific aspects of web content analysis include interactivity, trust, information and value adding features. Instrument for web content analysis was developed by the researcher. The outcome of research produces an outline for developing an e-commerce
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-21
JournalInternational Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2014


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