Students’ recalled desirability of game-based student response systems (GSRSs): a user experience (UX) perspective

Marta Nieto-Garcia*, Jason Sit

*Corresponding author for this work

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GSRSs are known to positively influence students' learning behaviors and in-class participation. Kahoot! is one of the GSRSs widely adopted in the higher education (HE) sector and also widely studied in the HE marketing literature. Whilst varied theories have been applied to study the pedagogical value of Kahoot!, the user experience (UX) theory is seldom considered. Taking the first step to address this gap, the present study seeks to explore students' UX desirability of using Kahoot!, the subsequent behavioral effects, and the moderating effect of students’ orientation to study. The empirical setting includes an online survey administered to 51 marketing students at a regional university in the UK. The findings suggest that: i) students recalled stronger positive desirability than negative desirability, ii) positive desirability has a significant positive effect on perceived usefulness and motivation to attend a class, while negative desirability does not; and iii) motivation to attend is lower for students with the external orientation to study. These insights contribute to the extant literature of GSRSs and UX, and also offer practical implications on how to use GSRSs to motivate students' in-class learning and attendance.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
JournalMarketing Education Review
Early online date13 Sept 2022
Publication statusEarly online - 13 Sept 2022


  • GSRSs
  • user experience
  • desirability
  • motivation to attend
  • Kahoot!
  • user-recalled incidents


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