Study on the possible part played by certain primary non-employment incomes in the inflationary process in Ireland

R. Geary, Barry Murphy

    Research output: Working paper

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    As a background to this study of non-employee income we direct attention to Appendix 1 and Chart 1, designed as a succinct description of the trend of inflation in Ireland in recent years. As to Appendix 1, of major importance for the present study is the contrast in trend between unit costs of employee remuneration and of Other income: in both periods 1958--1968 and 1968-1974 the rise in the former has been much greater than in the latter. (The distinction between Other income concepts (1) and (2) will be dealt with later.) It will also be seen that in both periods unit cost of employee remuneration increased more and of Other income less than retail prices (CPI) in Ireland.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationBrussels and Luxembourg
    Number of pages113
    Publication statusPublished - 1977


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