Sustained increases in atmospheric oxygen and marine productivity in the Neoproterozoic and Palaeozoic eras

Richard G. Stockey, Devon B. Cole, Una C. Farrell, Heda Agić, Thomas H. Boag, Jochen J. Brocks, Don E. Canfield, Meng Cheng, Peter W. Crockford, Huan Cui, Tais W. Dahl, Lucas Del mouro, Keith Dewing, Stephen Q. Dornbos, Joseph F. Emmings, Robert R. Gaines, Timothy M. Gibson, Benjamin C. Gill, Geoffrey J. Gilleaudeau, Karin GoldbergRomain Guilbaud, Galen Halverson, Emma U. Hammarlund, Kalev Hantsoo, Miles A. Henderson, Charles M. Henderson, Malcolm S. W. Hodgskiss, Amber J. M. Jarrett, David T. Johnston, Pavel Kabanov, Julien Kimmig, Andrew H. Knoll, Marcus Kunzmann, Matthew A. Leroy, Chao Li, David K. Loydell, Francis A. Macdonald, Joseph M. Magnall, N. Tanner Mills, Lawrence M. Och, Brennan O’Connell, Anais Pagès, Shanan E. Peters, Susannah M. Porter, Simon W. Poulton, Samantha R. Ritzer, Alan D. Rooney, Shane Schoepfer, Emily F. Smith, Justin V. Strauss, Gabriel Jubé Uhlein, Tristan White, Rachel A. Wood, Christina R. Woltz, Inessa Yurchenko, Noah J. Planavsky, Erik A. Sperling

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    Earth and Planetary Sciences