Systemic work in residential settings

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The presentation aims to demonstrate the application of systemic approaches to organisations and paid carers supporting people with intellectual disabilities (ID). Many people with ID are supported in staffed accommodation. A systemic perspective suggests that the systems that form the context of people’s lives are where the meanings of referrals are constructed. Working with the organisation that created the text of the referral rather than only with the individual, offers many opportunities, including the creation and recruitment of the team’s resources and the avoidance of the creation and maintenance of unhelpful meanings such as the problem residing ’within’ the person with ID. This presentation will provide examples of systemic practice with paid carers in staffed accommodation. There will be a focus on practical tools for engaging with teams, their managers and the wider organisation. This approach offers ways to work collaboratively with the systems that make up the context of ’problems’. The approach provides ways of making sense of the referral in its relational context and tools for responding to it.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)233
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of Applied Research In Intellectual Disabilities
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2006


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