Technology roadmapping using text mining: a foresight study for the retail industry

Sercan Ozcan, Amir Homayounfard, Chris Simms, Jahangir Wasim

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    Technology roadmapping is a widely accepted method for offering industry foresight as it supports strategic innovation management, and identifies the potential application of emerging technologies. Whilst roadmapping applications have been implemented across different technologies and industries, prior studies have not addressed the potential application of emerging technologies in the retail industry. Furthermore, few studies have examined service oriented technologies by a roadmapping method. Methodologically, there are limited roadmapping studies which implement both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Hence, our paper aims to offer a foresight for future technologies in the retailing industry using an integrated roadmapping method. To achieve this, we used a sequential method that consisted of both a text mining and an expert review process. Our results show clear directions for the future of emerging technologies, as the industry moves towards unmanned retail operations. We generate eight clusters of technologies and integrate them into a roadmapping model, illustrating their links to the market and business requirements. Our study has a number of implications and identifies potential bottlenecks between the integration of front and backend solutions for the future of unmanned retailing.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages17
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
    Early online date21 Apr 2021
    Publication statusEarly online - 21 Apr 2021


    • Text Mining
    • Patent Analysis
    • Technology roadmapping
    • Foresight
    • Retail Technologies
    • Emerging Technologies


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