Temporary urban practices of co-production. Including unrepresented voices in the making of the city

Guido Robazza, Alessandro Melis

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    Temporary urbanism initiatives have become an increasingly widespread practice amongst activists and practitioners aiming to trigger grass-roots processes of urban regeneration and social innovation. This paper presents the process and findings of ‘Temporary urbanism as a tactic to co-produce community resilience’, a five-year project to empower various local communities groups to take ownership of urban spaces through the collective creation of temporary installations. Drawing on David Harvey’s notion of the ‘Right to the City’ , the freedom to make and remake our cities as an essential human right, the project instigated a series of tactical, small-sized, co-created, temporary interventions in public spaces in Portsmouth, UK, involving unrepresented voices in urban decision-making processes. Prompted by the research question; “How can temporary urban practices become effective tools to include unrepresented voices in the city-making and to generate community resilience?” the authors identified a series of guidelines for improving temporary co-creation practices to foster community resilience. Temporary urban space initiatives can play a vital role in creating opportunities for grassroots direct democracy , but if these experiences are not followed by institutional learning and changes to planning policies, their outcomes will remain limited in time and space.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAMPS Proceedings Series 24.1. Cities in a Changing World
    EditorsJason Montgomery
    PublisherArchitecture Media Politics Society
    Number of pages11
    Publication statusPublished - 18 Jun 2021
    EventArchitecture, Media, Politics, Society (AMPS): Cities in a Changing World: Questions of Culture, Climate and Design - Virtual / New York
    Duration: 16 Jun 202118 Jun 2021

    Publication series

    NameAMPS Proceedings Series
    ISSN (Print)2398-9467


    ConferenceArchitecture, Media, Politics, Society (AMPS): Cities in a Changing World: Questions of Culture, Climate and Design
    Internet address


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