The after-use of quarries with specific reference to solid waste disposal

Kevin Duncan Privett

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The UK has a long history of quarrying and many disused sites were simply abandoned. Increased population pressure and awareness of environmental issues has resulted in two main changes: quarries can be valuable assets for redevelopment, and those not redeveloped are rehabilitated to become part of the landscape once again.

This paper outlines some of the after uses for quarries in the UK including large multi-use projects such as combined new townships and flood prevention schemes. Landfilling has long been carried out in former quarries, originally in an uncontrolled manner but latterly with regard to environmental protection using engineered containment systems. A summary of the methods used to line steep quarry slopes is presented. Although such methods have been in use for more that 10 years, many are still considered novel because there is little research data on aspects such as liner strain leading to reduced effectiveness.

The various factors involved in determining any site as suitable for landfilling are well known. Former quarry sites have additional factors relating to the design and serviceability of the lining system on steep slopes. A consideration of all factors is necessary and where several potential site options are available, the use of software screening tools is advocated. QRisk is a geotechnical risk assessment tool for safety and financial risks resulting from slope instability. The use of GIS is a powerful tool for managing spatial data and building target plans based on weighting of various factors affecting sensitivity of receptors such as groundwater.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2nd Seminar on Solid Wastes
Subtitle of host publicationRESID'2004
Place of PublicationSão Paulo, Brazil
PublisherAssociação Brasileira de Geologia de Engenharia e Ambiental
ISBN (Print)978-8572700122
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2004
EventRESID'2004 - São Paulo, Brazil
Duration: 29 Apr 201430 Apr 2014


CitySão Paulo


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