The challenge of gender bias in the IT industry

Peter Bednar, A. Bissett

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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Contextual Analysis through inquiries into Contextual Dependency is a way to specify and discuss more general issues of unequal distribution of power overall and the importance of gender issues as a specific example. This gives an Information Systems analyst an opportunity to ask some important questions. The sense making activities involved includes efforts to 'visualise' and communicate individual understandings of their unique individual mental constructs. Such potentially enriched dialogues surrounding 'visualised' mental constructs might be used to illustrate experienced relevance and a contextuality of (temporary) 'points' rather than focusing primarily on 'truths' and statistics and just adding to existing organisational dogmas with another equal opportunity 'plan'
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jun 2001
EventETHICOMP 2001 - Gdansk, Poland
Duration: 18 Jun 200120 Jun 2001


ConferenceETHICOMP 2001


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