The contributions of video-analysis in early care and education research

Valentina Migliarini, Arianna Lazzari, Lucia Balduzzi, Jan De Mets, Magdalena Ślusarczyk

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This paper presents a review of the literature on the use of video-analysis in Early Childhood Education and Care contexts. The purpose of conducting such review emerged from the needs of exploring possibilities and limitations of video-analysis as a research mediational tool in ECEC services, especially in a European context. Constituting an integral task of a larger study funded by the Erasmus + grant program, and titled Transition Children and Kindergarten, this review considers English language studies and studies written in the language of the project partner countries (i.e. Italy, Poland, and Belgium/Flanders). The narrative synthesis of the studies considered develops around three emerging areas in which video-analysis in ECEC has been used already, namely: (1) teachers/parents/community’s reflection/consciousness and empowerment; (2) diversity and inclusion; (3) interaction children-educator. The paper ends with a final conclusion on the relevance of video-analysis for ECEC practitioners’ professional development and collaborative growth.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)106-121
JournalItalian Journal of Educational Research
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2019


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