The data analysis pipeline for the SDSS-IV MaNGA IFU galaxy survey: overview

Kyle B. Westfall, Michele Cappellari, Matthew A. Bershady, Kevin Bundy, Francesco Belfiore, Xihan Ji, David R. Law, Adam Schaefer, Shravan Shetty, Christy A. Tremonti, Renbin Yan, Brett H. Andrews, Joel R. Brownstein, Brian Cherinka, Lodovico Coccato, Niv Drory, Claudia Maraston, Taniya Parikh, José R. Sánchez-Gallego, Daniel ThomasAnne-Marie Weijmans, Jorge Barrera-Ballesteros, Cheng Du, Daniel Goddard, Niu Li, Karen Masters, Héctor Javier Ibarra Medel, Sebastián F. Sánchez, Meng Yang, Zheng Zheng, Shuang Zhou

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