The development of the police role in safeguarding children

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Policing priorities are always changing and often as a reaction to great events which have led to extreme reputational damage. The Police have always been responsible for upholding the law and prosecuting those who commit offences against children. The “welfare” or “best interests” of the child were, until 30 years ago, considered only in the context that if their abuse was prevented, they were less likely to become delinquent, and a threat to society. For the Police Service to review that thinking, and recognise the welfare of children as being their prime concern, it needed an enormous shift in attitude and culture. Significant events such as the publication of the Cleveland (1987) and Victoria Climbie (2003) Inquiry reports shaped the way policing is currently carried out in the context of child safeguarding. This chapter will explore the complex and often bumpy journey which has led to contemporary child protection policing and the concept of ‘multi-agency working’. The chapter will seek to identify current challenges which may, if not addressed, contribute to further ‘great events’ down the road.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMulti-Agency Working in Criminal Justice
Subtitle of host publicationTheory, Policy and Practice
EditorsAaron Pycroft, Dennis Gough
PublisherPolicy Press
ISBN (Electronic)978-1447340256, 978-1447340263
ISBN (Print)978-1447340249
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2019


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