The first cut is the deepest: repeated interactions of coauthorship and academic productivity in Nobel laureate teams

Ho Fai Chan, Ali Onder, Benno Torgler*

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    Despite much in-depth investigation of factors influencing the coauthorship evolution in various scientific fields, our knowledge about how efficiency or creativity is linked to the longevity of collaborative relationships remains very limited. We explore what Nobel laureates’ coauthorship patterns reveal about the nature of scientific collaborations looking at the intensity and success of scientific collaborations across fields and across laureates’ collaborative lifecycles in physics, chemistry, and physiology/medicine. We find that more collaboration with the same researcher is actually no better for advancing creativity: publications produced early in a sequence of repeated collaborations with a given coauthor tend to be published better and cited more than papers that come later in the collaboration with the same coauthor. Our results indicate that scientific collaboration involves conceptual complementarities that may erode over a sequence of repeated interactions.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)509-524
    Number of pages16
    Issue number2
    Early online date30 Nov 2015
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2016


    • Innovation
    • Nobel laureates
    • Scientific collaboration
    • Team formation


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