The haphazard colour machine (2010)

Ken Devine

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    The Haphazard Colour Machine is a virtual self-generating random system; it is the progeny of the Haphazard Colours of the Sphere. It began as a testing tool to check colour distribution. It creates colour, it positions colour within the geometry of a sphere. A pole of black; a pole of white; an equatorial line of hue at 100% saturation. Every point on and within the sphere is a unique colour. The (virtual) camera moves through the space determined by unpredictability. Each image, each set of movements is unique to that sequence of events. Colours appear; colours disappear, some you experience some you don't. Events happen within or outside of the field of view. The lifespan of each existence is determined by unpredictability. There is [possible] extinction followed by [possible] re-creation. You may experience it, you may not. A colour seen from one position is altered from another. The field changes; continuity destabilised by movement. What you see and a moment later what you see is never the same. Like life, politics, art, love and hate. It's colour in relationship to itself in relationship to you. It explores potentiality and possibility. Exhibited at Big & Small Casual, New York, USA, May 2010
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - May 2010
    Event2 Site-Specific Works - Big & Small Casual Gallery, New York
    Duration: 1 May 2010 → …


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