The legacy of the Nuremberg trials: 60 years on

Sascha Bachmann

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Die internasionale militêre tribunaal van Nuremberg is in 1946 tot stand gebring deur die vier geallieerde magte: die Verenigde State van Amerika, Groot-Brittanje, die Sowjet-Unie en Frankryk. Die doel van die tribunaal was om Duitse oorlogsmisdadigers te vervolg. Die Nurembergverhore het bygedra tot die vorming van internasionale strafreg deur die kodifikasie van internasionale misdade, waaronder misdade teen vrede, oorlogsmisdade en misdade teen die mensdom. Verder het die tribunaal ook die idee gevestig dat (vorige) staatshoofde verantwoordelik gehou kan word vir sodanige misdade. Hierdie bydrae fokus op die internasionale militêre tribunaal en beskryf die reg wat deur die tribunaal gevolg is, die belangrikste kritiek teen die tribunaal en die partydigheid van die tribunaal. Verder ondersoek die outeur die impak van die tribunaal op die vorming van internasionale reg en of daar dalk enige ander vervolgingsalternatiewe bestaan het tot die skepping van die tribunaal. The International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg in 1946 established by the four Allied powers: the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and France. The purpose of the tribunal was to German war criminals prosecuted. The Nurembergverhore contributed to the formation of ICL by the codification of international crimes, including crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Furthermore, the Tribunal also established the idea that (former) heads of state can be held responsible for such crimes. This contribution focuses on the international military tribunal and described the law by the tribunal result, the main criticism of the tribunal and the bias of the tribunal. Furthermore, the author investigates the impact of the tribunal on the formation of international law and whether there might be any prosecution alternatives to the creation of the tribunal. [Translation using Google translate]
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)532-550
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of South African Law
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2007


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