The lies we live: using the Verifiability Approach to detect lying about occupation

Louise Marie Jupe, Aldert Vrij, Galit Nahari, Sharon Leal, Samantha Ann Mann

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It is estimated that 40-70% of applicants lie or embellish on their curriculum vitae. The employment of individuals without the necessary skills or qualifications may be detrimental to industry. This study investigated participants who were asked to lie and tell the truth about their occupation in three conditions: chosen lie, forced lie and truth. Transcripts were analysed using the Verifiability Approach, which identifies checkable detail within suspect’s statements. Although it was hypothesised that liars would provide fewer verifiable details than truth tellers in their verbal statements, the Verifiability Approach was unable to distinguish between truthful and deceptive statements. The discussion highlights reasons as to why the approach was unsuccessful and suggests methods to enhance its usability in future studies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-13
JournalJournal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2016


  • identity
  • identity deception
  • verifiability approach
  • occupation deception


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