The logistic of empty containers′ return in the liner-shipping network

Naima Belayachi, Shahin Gelareh, Khadidja Yachba, Karim Bouamrane

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    The Maritime Transport is a favoured tool regarding the universal exchanges because it has gone through several evolutions. Indeed, the containerization is considered as one of the most remarkable improvements in the shipping. The containers are rented by shipping companies. However, these companies meet an empty container availability problem at some ports of Maritime Transport Network (MTN) to satisfy the demands of clients. The objective of this work is to solve the problem of the imbalance of the distribution of containers and look for empty containers at less cost to meet the demands of clients. As a result, the authors propose an application to represent the MTN, and provide a balanced distribution of containers. The work presented in this article is based on a heuristic method by neighbourhood. It allows the process of the clients' demands and transfers of full containers as well as the research of empty containers by optimizing the cost of theirs return.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)207–219
    JournalTransport and Telecommunication
    Issue number3
    Early online date27 Jun 2017
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Sept 2017


    • Maritime Transport Network (MTN)
    • empty container
    • client' demand
    • optimization
    • Taboo Search


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