The management of nanotechnology: analysis of technology linkages and the regional nanotechnology competencies

Nazrul Islam, Sercan Ozcan

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    This study maps the linkage of nanotechnologies and their clusters, identifies emerging and mature technologies and links to their application fields, and examines the profiles of the regional nanotechnology competencies. A model is proposed to assist with the analyses. The patent data were retrieved from the Thomson Innovation database, which were subsequently analysed with the Thomson Data Analyser. The results show technological linkages using the proposed linkage model, for example, the linkage between the cluster of nanotubes-nanowires-polymers and the cluster of nanowires-semiconductors-optical identifies a nanoelectronics domain. In the Techno-Economic Network framework, the result shows that the United States maintains its position in the Science and Technology poles, revealing its strong competitiveness, while the nanotechnological competencies in Japan have lost strength significantly in recent years. Asian giants such as South Korea and China appear to be the most likely contenders for catching up with the United States. The theoretical contribution of this study is the theoretical framework that has been adapted and tested in this research. Practical contributions consist of descriptive and analytical findings based on actors' performances and the regions' competencies. The research offers a useful insight for academic and research practitioners on how an emerging field such as nanotechnology can be analysed, and a way forward for materialising science and technology policies in this field.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)111-126
    Number of pages16
    JournalR & D Management
    Issue number1
    Early online date29 Oct 2015
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2016


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