The role of supporting factors on patenting activities in emerging entrepreneurial universities

Ilker Murat Ar, Serdal Temel, Marina Dabić, Jeremy Richard Lockwood Howells, Ali Mert, Rustem Baris Yesilay

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Academic patenting has become an important part of the university-industry collaboration and technology transfer but few studies have investigated the institutional frameworks and organizational incentive and support structures in terms of patenting activity. This article, therefore, seeks to fill this gap by examining institutional and infrastructure supporting factors and the impact that they have on university patenting within an emerging economy higher education system, namely Turkey. The analyses use logit regression to test a set of hypotheses on a large-scale sample of Turkish universities. The findings highlight the positive role of supporting factors on a university's patenting performance, acting complementarily to the role of Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs). This article will be a guide for managers and practitioners to use supporting factors complementing the activities of TTOs in emerging economies in increasing patent applications. Finally, this article highlights future research directions and limitations of the research.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Early online date29 Apr 2021
Publication statusEarly online - 29 Apr 2021


  • patents
  • technological innovation
  • entrepreneurship
  • intellectual property
  • technology transfer
  • commercialization
  • education


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