The sequence of the major gas vesicle protein, GvpA, influences the width and strength of halobacterial gas vesicles

S. Beard, Paul Hayes, F. Pfeifer, A. Walsby

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Transformation experiments with Haloferax volcanii show that the amino acid sequence of the gas vesicle protein GvpA influences the morphology and strength of gas vesicles produced by halophilic archaea. A modified expression vector containing p-gvpA was used to complement a Vac− strain of Hfx. volcanii that harboured the entire p-vac region (from Halobacterium salinarum PHH1) except for p-gvpA. Replacement of p-gvpA with mc-gvpA (from Haloferax mediterranei) led to the synthesis of gas vesicles that were narrower and stronger. Other gene replacements (using c-gvpA from Hbt. salinarum or mutated p-gvpA sequences) led to a significant but smaller increase in gas vesicle strength, and less marked effects on gas vesicle morphology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)149-157
Number of pages9
JournalFEMS Microbiology Letters
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 2002


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