The value and experience of elearning

Tricia Coverdale-Jones

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    This paper focuses on the use of eLearning within in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) at the University of Portsmouth. In general the term VLE is used to describe an all-encompassing system where students who log on can have access to files (Word, PPT or PDF), audio and video recordings, pictures, weblinks, mail to groups and to discussion boards, quizzes and tests, assignment hand-in and some other features such as voice emails and podcasts. The University of Portsmouth, like the majority of UK universities and colleges, uses the Blackboard Vista system (given the local name ‘Victory’ within the university, named after the famous historic ship which can be visited in Portsmouth Harbour) as its virtual learning environment, both for on-campus students and distance learners. There is plenty of online discussion in the academic community about the virtues and disadvantages of Blackboard, often in comparison with the free software called Moodle which is popular in secondary education. (See an example of this discussion at The use of different types of eLearning in UK universities is rapidly expanding; there is also an increasing amount of research into the effectiveness of learning online. In the UK the principle of using large computer systems to communicate with students and provide access to materials for them was already well established for over a decade. Previous use of electronic communication at the university was through emails, library website and online journals academic staff’s own websites and a common drive on the network where documents could be placed for students to access them
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2009
    EventThe 5th International Conference on Chinese and East-Asian Learners - Shandong University of Technology,
    Duration: 17 Oct 200918 Oct 2009


    ConferenceThe 5th International Conference on Chinese and East-Asian Learners
    CityShandong University of Technology,


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