The XML files: using XML and XSL with IBM WebSphere 3.0

Luis Ennser, Christophe Chuvan, Paul Fremantle, Ramani Routray, Jouko Ruuskanen

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Extensible Markup Language (XML) has very quickly gathered a large number of industry supporters. Therefore, a significant number of XML-based conferences, books, Web sites, and training classes have sprung up. Very soon, a large number of new XML-based tools will be available.
In this book we try to show several different ways of how and where XML can be used in a B2B and B2C environment.
The book was written for those interested in designing and developing Web applications using XML and related technologies (XSL, XSLT). Project managers, architect, and developers will find this book particularly useful.
We start with an overview of XML technology. Then we explain how to apply XML technology in IBM WebSphere. Finally, we show a sample application written using the technologies described. Source code and installation steps are also available.
This IBM Redbooks publication applies to IBM WebSphere Application Server V 3.0.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCalifornia
PublisherInternational Business Machines Corporation
Number of pages237
ISBN (Print)9780738415819, 0738415812
Publication statusPublished - 2000


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