Then, Now, After...

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    The nation’s top illustrators has come together for a unique exhibition at the University of Brighton. All of the artists either graduated or worked at the university and they include Sir Quentin Blake CBE, who illustrated Roald Dahl books; Raymond Briggs, who illustrated The Snowman book; and award-winning children’s books illustrator Emily Gravett. Jackie Batey exhibited four issues of the her serial artzine 'Future Fantasteek!'
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 18 Jan 2013
    EventThen, Now, After… - University of Brighton Gallery, Brighton, UK.
    Duration: 18 Jan 201314 Feb 2013


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    • Future Fastasteek!

      Batey, J., 1 Jul 2006, Damp Flat Books.

      Research output: Other contribution

      Open Access

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