Time spent on a volcanic Island

Leslie Hakim-Dowek

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationFeatured article


    Twilight Island is a poetic contemplation of a time spent on a volcanic island. This book resonates with a subtext of several themes and thresholds. A succession of vistas from volcanic craters to desert plateaux is juxtaposed with landmarks of memory and recreational spaces where spectacles are set to unfold in a cycle of endless tourism.
    Sometimes the themes are polarised such as the vast wilderness we live in and the coming of age of two girls, my twin daughters; an earthly stage where generational rites and rituals have come into being but to which, we remain largely oblivious.

    In a culture, terminally ill with amnesia, in which temporal boundaries have weakened, an axis is drawn between the earthly transformations over millennia which are laid bare on this island and our compulsive stream of capture. This book is an attempt to provide a brief anchoring of an ever-transitory present within the inherent silence and stillness of a photograph.


    Dive into the research topics of 'Time spent on a volcanic Island'. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
    • Twilight Island

      Hakim-Dowek, L., 31 Mar 2020, Extinction: The World Without Us. Urbanautica Institute, p. 140-147

      Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution

      Open Access
    • Twilight Island

      Hakim-Dowek, L., 2017

      Research output: Non-textual formArtefact

      Open Access

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