Tomorrow is another day: information systems governance

Peter Bednar, Christine Welch

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In many organizations, the Chief Information Officer is considered to preside over a separate function, providing a service to the business. Discussions about governance are confined to properties of this service, e.g. through a service level agreement. Members of the CIO’s staff are often seen as technical experts possessing esoteric skills desired but not understood by other staff. Many researchers have observed a need for businesses to avoid such fragmentation to reap the full benefits of investment in ICT’s. However, this research is itself often fragmented – focusing sometimes on software, sometimes on architectures. This paper argues that IS governance should form an integral part of strategic business management. We advocate a shift of perspective in management of IS, from leadership to facilitation. People at all levels require empowerment and support to develop their own IS ‘capability’; to make the best use of available technologies and information in context. There is evidence to show that input from a wider community within organizations can lead to an improved realization of value from information technology. The paper will discuss methods which can provide appropriate support for individuals to achieve this
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jun 2008
Event16th European Conference on Information Systems - National University of Ireland, Galway, Eire
Duration: 9 Jun 200811 Jun 2008


Conference16th European Conference on Information Systems
CityNational University of Ireland, Galway, Eire


  • Information Systems governance
  • information systems strategy
  • leadership
  • collaborative management


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