Translation as a critical practice: using retranslation when teaching translation

Jonathan Evans

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This article addresses the question of how to relate translation theory to translation practice when teaching translation. Retranslation is viewed as a critical practice (kydd 2011) that integrates critical engagement with existing translations and theory into practice. This critical reflexion is part of translation competence, both in Pym’s (2003) minimalist formulation and the European Master’s in Translation guidelines. Retranslation can therefore be seen to help students achieve the sort of critical awareness that is part and parcel of translation competence. A series of practical learning activities are suggested that use retranslation. These range from analyses of retranslation of the same text to commented retranslations that ask the students to explain their own process. Each of these offers ways of going beyond textual criticism to engage with wider theoretical concerns.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)199-209
JournalQuaderns: Revista de Traduccio
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • retranslation
  • translation pedagogy
  • translation competence
  • commentary writing
  • reflective practice


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