Trust in virtual military teams

David Sanders, Giles Tewkesbury, Jasper Graham-Jones

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    This paper examines trust in global military teams. The relationship between perceived levels of trust and efficiency in working in virtual military teams is investigated. The issue of trust is considered in a number of situations. Questionnaires were used to gather factual data about respondents, how often they worked within a global design team, and their preferred method of communication, how their global military teams compared to military team-working carried out with co-located members; and their opinion of how the operation of global teams could be improved, particularly related to trust. In addition, there was a focus group meeting consisting of team leaders, to explore the concerns and issues highlighted through the questionnaire.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)185–189
    JournalJournal of Computing in Systems and Engineering
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • virtual teams, military, trust


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    • Virtual Teams

      Sanders, D. (PI)


      Project: Research

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