Turning ideas into products: subjective well-being in co-creation

Rebecca Pera, Giampaolo Viglia

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    New services, like fabrication spaces, 3D printer rentals and virtual marketplaces, have made it easier for empowered consumers to co-create innovative products without almost any involvement of traditional companies. Adopting a consumer-grounded view, this work takes a step forward from the existing service literature by investigating the link between psychological motives and happiness in co-creation. Specifically, the study measures how community affiliation, personal growth, and utilitarian motives are predictors of subjective well-being. The results illustrate that community affiliation and personal growth motives predict high scores of subjective well-being, while utilitarian motives do not. In addition, empowered consumers who co-create with others are happier than consumers who create alone. This indicates that direct interactions are not only a powerful platform for service co-creation, but are also predictors of subjective well-being. We discuss the implications for traditional companies and for decision makers regarding the benefits offered by digital fabrication services.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)388-402
    Number of pages15
    JournalThe Service Industries Journal
    Issue number7-8
    Early online date5 Mar 2015
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2015


    • co-creation
    • psychological motives
    • subjective well-being
    • service design
    • open innovation spaces


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