#TVFUTURES - Dylan Ellcome - CCI TV Script Editor

Charlie Watts (Editor)

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationEditorial


    Looking back at my time Script Editing for CCI, where I\'d checked over and edited show scripts, I can now see how I\'ve developed lots of new skills. Possibly the biggest being the need for clear and concise communication, and how without this, things quickly spiral out of control. An interesting factor I did not expect was people needing my assistance less as the year progressed. I noticed this after the new year. As people became more comfortable with the shows format and script writing, my input started to become minimel. Practically the most important tool I\'ve taken away from my role is actually the benefits of using Google Doc, something that has led to the discovery of other useful software.
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationKitPlus
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2015


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