#TVFUTURES - Emma Cox - CCI TV Manager Phase 2

Charlie Watts (Editor)

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationEditorial


    When I first began searching for a university course offering TV, I came across a story that featured a student called Hayley Rutter who had managed a TV channel whilst studying on her course. Hayley stated that this opportunity to schedule and manage a TV channel (CCI TV, a student run TV channel that operates within the curriculum) had really opened her eyes about the wider scope of broadcasting, and it really resonated with me. I chose to follow in her footsteps; I joined the same course, and now entering my third year I have taken on the role of CCI TV Channel Manager, but I have a lot more experience under my belt.
    Network Planning is a hugely important element of television, but it is also an area of the industry that can arguably remain a bit of a mystery to those wanting to work in TV. Without Network Planning, the whole television watching process would be a disordered and frustrating viewing experience. Thanks to Angus Gairdner (Head of Presentation & EPG Services) I was able to spend two weeks at BSkyB this summer discovering just why it is so crucial.
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationKitPlus
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2015


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