UK e-government provider satisfaction evaluation: findings from the I-MEET study

Paul Waller, Vishanth Weerakkody, Zahir Irani, Habin Lee, Andreea Molnar

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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    This paper discusses the results of a survey that was conducted in the UK as part of the I-MEET project to gather feedback from government agencies responsible for facilitating online services in several core administrative functions. The focus of the paper is to assess the level of satisfaction as perceived by those public sector officials and contractors who were responsible for or are involved in the management and/or implementation of online systems for these administrative functions. These same functions were surveyed to record citizens’ perception of online service satisfaction and are reported separately. An online questionnaire was derived from the I-MEET evaluation framework, localised, and circulated, and over 100 responses were received. This paper presents the results for the service providers’ perceptions of service adequacy, technology support, policy and management support, e-service social and economic responsibility alignment, and also how well the service meets the provider’s needs. Overall, respondents express a positive view, but also highlight a number of key issues in the development and management of such services. The specific findings may be
    of value to future online service projects, and more generally the study illustrates the potential of the I-MEET evaluation framework.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGIS Research UK 2015 (GISRUK2015)
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014
    EventEuropean, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems 2014 - Doha, Qatar
    Duration: 27 Oct 201428 Oct 2014


    ConferenceEuropean, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems 2014


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