Using digital libraries to support undergraduate learning in geomorphology

Stephen Darby, Sally Priest, Karen Fill, Samuel Leung

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


In this chapter we outline the issues involved in developing, delivering, and evaluating a Level 2 undergraduate module in fluvial geomorphology. The central concept of the module, which was designed to be delivered in a “blended” mode, involving a combination of traditional lectures and online learning activities, was the use of online digital library resources, comprising both data and numerical models, to foster an appreciation of physical processes influencing the evolution of drainage basins. The aim of the module was to develop the learners’ knowledge and understanding of drainage basin geomorphology, while simultaneously developing their abilities to (i) access spatial data resources and (ii) provide a focus for developing skills in scientific data analysis and modeling. The module adopts a global perspective, drawing on examples from around the world. We discuss the process of course and assessment design, explaining the pedagogy underlying the decision to adopt blended delivery. We share our teaching experiences, involving a particular combination of “face-to-face” lectures and online sessions, complemented by independent online learning, and supported by the associated virtual learning environment. Finally, we discuss the issues highlighted by a comprehensive module evaluation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationE-learning for geographers
Subtitle of host publicationonline materials, resources and repositories
EditorsPhilip Rees, Louise Mackay, David Martin, Helen Durham
Place of PublicationHershey
PublisherInformation Science Reference
ISBN (Electronic)9781599049816
ISBN (Print)9781599049809
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes


  • geomorphology
  • digital libraries
  • flash
  • drainage basin


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