Using public surveys to estimate the total economic value of natural resources

S. Goodman, H. Daniel, Shabbar Jaffry, W. Seabrooke

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    This paper discusses the findings of a contingent valuation survey that was designed to evaluate non-use values of the English coast to the English public. The study described coastal areas in terms of the physical characteristics which give them conservation value. The results of this study suggest that public preferences for, and perceptions of changes in coastal conservation qualities are multi-dimensional, and not fully consistent with scientific assessment of these qualities. Additionally, it may be difficult for people to express their preferences for the conservation value of the coast in monetary terms. Such problems are particularly acute when assessing public values for non-unique areas. These findings have important implications for policy decisions involving coastal resources.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)12-23
    Number of pages12
    JournalThe Coastal Society Bulletin
    Issue number1&2
    Publication statusPublished - 1997


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