Using the model statement technique as a lie detection tool: a cross-cultural comparison

Aldert Vrij, Sharon Leal, Sam Mann, Alla Shaboltas, Maria Khaleeva, Juliana Granskaya, Eunkyung Jo

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Background - Researchers have started to demonstrate that verbal cues to deceit can be elicited through specifc interview protocols. One that has yielded success is the Model Statement technique, which works as a social comparison and raises interviewees’ expectations about how much information they are required to report. This technique has been developed and tested in the United Kingdom, and is used in the feld. A tool used in the feld should be thoroughly examined in diferent settings, including in diferent cultures.

- We examined the efect of the Model Statement tool on eliciting information and cues to deceit in Russian and South Korean participants.

- A total of 160 Russian and South Korean participants were recruited via an advert on the university intranets and advertisement leafets. The advert explained that the experiment would require participants to tell the truth or lie about a trip away that they may (or may not) have taken within the last year.” Truth tellers described a trip they made during the last twelve months, whereas liars made up a story about such a trip. Half of the participants listened to a Model Statement at the beginning of the interview. The dependent variables were “detail”, “complications”, “common knowledge details”, “self-handicapping strategies”, and “ratio of complications”.

Results - The Model Statement elicited more details from both Russian and South Korean participants and strengthened “complications” and “ratio of complications” as cues to deceit in both samples. The efects were the strongest amongst South Korean participants.

Conclusion - The Model Statement technique seems to work across different cultures, but more research is required to determine why it worked better amongst South Korean than Russian participants.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-33
Number of pages15
JournalPsychology in Russia: State of the Art
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 30 May 2019


  • model statement
  • cross-cultural comparison
  • information gathering
  • deception


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