Utilizing Product-Country-image (PCI) - self-image congruity intelligence to target global elites in an emerging market: SME’s perspective

Padmali Rodrigo, Hina Khan

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    The present study investigated how SMEs could utilize Country of Origin (COO) intelligence to target glocal elites (consumers with high social status, income and global mind-set) in an emerging market of Sri Lanka. To achieve this, the present study integrated COO effects and self-image congruity theory to predict elite consumers‟ attitude and purchase intentions towards foreign products. A conceptual model (COO-SME framework) was developed to test the relationship between product-country image and self-image congruity with consumers‟ attitude towards foreign products. The data for the study was collected via self-administered survey conducted amongst 256 respondents. The conceptual framework was analysed using multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that the model explained 77.8% of the total variance in attitudes towards foreign products and 75.5% of the total variance in purchase intentions. The findings of the study demonstrated that by utilising the match between product country image and consumers self-image significantly influence consumers‟ attitudes towards foreign products and purchase intentions. Thus, when developing marketing mix and market entry strategies, it is vital for SMEs to determine the fit between product-country image and self-image perceptions of the target market.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Jun 2013
    EventInternational Council for Small Business World Conference, - Ponce, Puerto Rico , United Kingdom
    Duration: 20 Jun 201323 Jun 2013


    ConferenceInternational Council for Small Business World Conference,
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    CityPuerto Rico


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