VAP: a visual analysis tool for energy consumption spatio-temporal pattern discovery

Liu Xiufeng, Zhibin Niu, Linda Yang, Junqi Wu, Dawei Cheng, Xin Wang

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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In the context of urbanization and the rapid growth of energy demand, understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of urban energy use is crucial for identifying energy-saving potentials. In this demo, we present a visual analysis tool, VAP, that allows users to explore the dynamics of urban energy use at different spatial and temporal scales. In contrast to traditional statistical and machine learning methods, the visual analysis based tool focuses on analytical thinking, user interactions and answering business questions by examining different visual analysis views. In the demonstration, conference attendees will interact with VAP and learn its capabilities in discovering typical consumption patterns and spatio-temporal shift patterns from a real-world case study of electricity.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEDBT 2020
Subtitle of host publication23rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology Copenhagen, Denkmark, March 30–April 2, 2020 Proceedings
EditorsAngela Bonifati, Yongluan Zhou, Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles, Alexander Böhm, Dan Olteanu, George Fletcher, Arijit Khan, Bin Yang
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-89318-083-7
Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2020
EventInternational Conference on Extending Database Technology - Scandic Falkoner Congress Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 30 Mar 20202 Apr 2020
Conference number: 23rd

Publication series

NameAdvances in Database Technology
ISSN (Electronic)2367-2005


ConferenceInternational Conference on Extending Database Technology
Abbreviated titleEDBT 2020
Internet address


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